Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lose5in7 Is The Complete, In-home, Step-by-step, 'lose 5 Pounds In A Week,' Weight Loss System. It Was Created By Stephen Cabral, Cscs, Cpt, Ns Who Has Been Featured By Mtv, NutritionData,, & Dozens Of Other Media.

Lose5in7 - Fastest Weight Loss System.

"Who Else Wants to Lose 5.3 Pounds
in Less than 7 Days AND Drop Inches of
Body Fat While Flattening Your Stomach
and Toning Your Whole Body!"

(average reported weight loss was 5.3 lbs in 7 days October, 2009)

Click Here!

Here's just a taste of what people are discovering for the 1st
time in my 12 week, Lose5in7 System:

In Lose 5 in 7 you'll not only lose 5 pounds your very
1st week... YOU will finally discover how the
'Power of 3' will truly unlock your potential and lead
you to achieving the body you want in record time!

The 3 Most Powerful Fat Burning Foods
Why these 3 foods will burn fat and rev your
metabolism faster than any fat burner supplement ever could. (page 58)

The Only 3 Types of Fat Burning Exercises You Should Do
The truth is 99% of people on weight loss programs are working out way too long and
are not only choosing the wrong exercises, but they are actually doing exercises that
are sabotaging their success! (page 163)

Your Daily 3 Fat Busting Moves
This is where I cut through all the research and show you exactly what 3 movements a
day you should be doing. (pages 107 - 296)

Divide Your Plate in 3’s for Fat Loss
Dieting does not have to be difficult or time consuming – Use this brand new way of
simplifying your food choices. (page 42)

3 Minute Metabolic-Boosting Meals
Are you always on the go? I will show you the right foods that come prepackaged or
easily prepared. There are tasty examples for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks!
(pages 51 - 79)

Click Here!

Customize Your Workout!
3 minutes to 20 minutes ~ Let’s face it, there are days when you have no time to
workout and then there are others when you have a little longer to devout to your
workout. Either way, you won’t need more than 20 minutes when you use these 3
exercises done in their specific order! (page 112)

Cabral Checklists
Most diets books fail miserably when it comes time to creating an easy to
follow guide of how you can start losing weight right away and keep it going week after
week. My Cabral Checklists guarantee you will achieve permanent fat loss results!
This blueprint actually makes it incredibly easy to track your success! (starts on page

(3) 4 Week Workouts - 84 days to lose up to 36lbs (or more!)
Find out exactly what my private clients and happy Fatlossity® members do to
successfully lose the weight and keep it off forever! Plus, I demonstrate the exact form
you should be using in over 300 Fatlossity® exercise
photos! (over 200 pages!)

And much, much, much more! (too much more to share than I can write...)
I will demonstrate step-by-step what I have been using for over 11 years (and 11,397+
private sessions!) to get my clients the results they want in the time they need them!
Look at How These People Went from Where You Are Right
Now to Completely Transforming Their Bodies!


YOU Are Absolutely NO DIFFERENT From These People!

Lose 5 in 7 is Proven to Burn Up Fat Fast... Guaranteed!
There is Simply No Other System Like Lose 5 in 7.

It is Not Only the Most Powerful Fat Burning Program
Ever Invented - It is GUARANTEED to Work Every Time!

Try it RISK-FREE Today!
Stephanie said goodbye to
her old body by using the
Lose5in7 System!"
"Bob lost 10.2lbs
his 1st week &
18.3lbs in 3 weeks!"
"Tony cut his body fat down
to 6.1% and defined his
entire body!"
"Courtney lost over
5 pounds in a week
and just kept right
on going!"
"Joe dropped over
10 lbs, 5" off his
waist & healed his
lower back pain!"
"Mike & Cilla lost over 20
pounds in 6 weeks!"
"Crissy lost over 12 pounds
& got rid of her knee pain!"
"Rachel lost 23lbs in
less than 6 weeks!"
"Kelly lost 14lbs and got
super toned!"
"Wayne slashed his
body fat in half in
just 6 weeks!"
"Faith traded her unwanted
body fat for ripped,
toned arms!"
"Jonathan demonstrated the power of Lose5in7
by taking the challenge in front of over
548,600 readers - he lost 5.34 lbs in 7 days,
18.3 in 18 days and 4 inches off his waist!"
"Paul completely transformed
his body - absolutely
amazing results!"
"Cathy lost over 4
inches off her waist!"
There's no question Lose5in7 works, it's just a matter of whether or not you are ready to let it work for you...
Here's my promise to you…

I'm not going to hold anything back. This is the same exact blueprint that I use to
get absolutely shredded for photo shoots (like the one you may have seen me in
for Reebok, Earth, etc) and that my clients personally use to shock their friends
and family with the amount of weight they're able to lose… now you know how my
weight loss studio got so many referrals (we do very little advertising).

Plus, I have the best GUARANTEE on all my services.

No Hassles, 100% Money Back Guarantee!
Click Here!

I know you're skeptical… who isn't? You don't want to be the victim of another
scam, so go ahead and take my 60-DAY NO RISK MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.
If you don't think that this is the very best weight loss system you have ever used
or even seen, then just shoot me a quick email and I'll put every cent you
invested back in your pocket.

I mean that too.

If you're not happy, I'm not happy… you see, I'm looking to help 1 Million people
not only lose weight, but feel fantastic about their new body and there's no way I
can do that without referrals (just like I was able to do with my weight loss studio
in Boston). I am looking to create raving fans (like the handful shown above) who
can't wait to tell their friends and family about this program.

Some people actually email me and tell me that they'd like to keep it a secret, but
I'm hoping that you'll share your success with others…

I'm Willing to Put ALL the Risk on Me!

So, I'm willing to put all the risk on me, but I need a little something from you in
return. When you lose 5lbs in 7 days and go onto continue losing more, I'd
appreciate it if you sent me some before and after photos along with a success
story I can share with others.

I also hold a 12 week body transformation contest for my online community (the
same one you'll be apart of when you take the Lose 5 in 7 challenge) where you
could win great prizes and become a celebrity in your own right… it's my version
of the Biggest Loser, but only this one is in the real world (not TV make-believe).

Does that Sound Like a Fair Deal?

To recap: I'll take all the risk and you get to make sure it works with my 60-day
money-back guarantee. If it doesn't, you return it and get EVERY penny back.
However, if Lose 5 in 7 does work (and it will!) then you must tell at least 3

Do we have a deal?
Bonus #1: The Busy Person's Workout
Who isn't busy these days? This easy to use guide will allow
you to discover that you don't need an hour a day to
workout out, but rather a perfectly laid out formula for what
you need to do with the time that you have. Stop spending
your time on exercises that just don't work and start using
this formula to get you results fast in the time you have.

Bonus #2: Get Rid of Your Lower Back
Pain Forever
Let's face it, having lower back pain hampers everything
you do and the way you live your life. Your nervous about
doing certain activities and even worried about bending
over to something pick up at times. It won't get better on its
on, but luckily for you Jon Feinman will show you the exact
formula needed to get rid of your back pain forever!

Bonus #3: 5 Fat Loss Lies Uncovered!
Read as Steve doesn't pull any punches and reveals the
lies, myths, and otherwise fabricated truths that some media
and fitness companies would love you to believe. You may
just change your mind about how you view your local
supplement store, gym, and even your doctor after your
view this concise unedited report.

Bonus #4: Fat Loss Smoothies
You’ll discover the exact fat loss smoothies that Steve uses
to burn fat and increase definition when he is dieting for a
photo shoot or wants to look his very best. He considers
these shakes to be one of the most important components
to not only looking his best, but also as a must have to
keeping his energy high all day long.

Bonus #5: Exercise Log
Have you ever tried to follow the charts and graphs of some
of those other exercise logs? They more like hieroglyphics
than a workout sheet. Well with this easy to understand,
and easy to use chart you can easily track your progress
and fill in your own custom exercises, sets, reps, and weight.

SURPRISE Bonus #6: 10 Quick & Easy
Calories Cutters
Use these quick and easy nutrition tips to cut down on
calories throughout the day. The amount of calories you will
save by incorporating these simple tips is unbelievable. On
the flip side, it's easy to see how rapidly we can gain body
fat from making the opposite choice…

SURPRISE Bonus #7: Hidden Fat Burners
This is a limited time surprise bonus - I have never revealed
these fat burning strategies before! These 3 fat burning
intervals have been the difference in helping clients who
"have tried everything" before, but still couldn't lose the
weight. They just flat out work.
Please note: Due to the time-sensitive nature of these bonus offers and their extremely
high value I can only guarantee that you will receive all 7 if you order today. I reserve the
right to take them away after today and sell them each separately.
* Exclusive BONUS Offer *
Let's Make This a Total No-Brainer for You...

To really make sure you succeed and remove any last bit of doubt that you may be
feeling, I'm going to include some of my other NEVER before seen Fit Life 1-page
"on-the-go" weight loss cheat sheets as Bonuses that you simply can't buy anywhere.

These bonuses were previously only revealed to a handful of my private clients who
wanted the absolute fastest way to lose the weight - forever. I also reserve the right to
take some or all of these bonuses away at any point, so if I were you, I wouldn't wait to
invest in this limited time offer.

So, if you order today, you'll receive 7 additional free bonuses (valued at $197.00):
FatLossity, Lose5in7 Weight Loss System Summary:

Main Program: Fatlossity, Lose 5 in 7 - 307pg, complete, in-home,
step-by-step, weight loss system (everything can easily be done
right at home or in the gym)
Bonus #1: The Busy Person's Workout Guide
Bonus #2: Get Rid of Your Lower Back Pain Forever
Bonus #3: Fat Loss Lies Uncovered
Bonus #4: My Personal Fat Loss Smoothies
Bonus #5: My Personal Exercise Journal Template
Bonus #6: 3 Hidden Fat Loss Intervals
Bonus #7: 10 Quick & Easy Calorie Cutters

* Total Value: $197.00+ *
So What's Your Investment?

Okay, Okay… By now you’re probably wondering how much a proven weight loss
system like this is going to cost.

Well, you’re probably going to be shocked, but I’m giving the 8 free bonuses and the
whole Fatlossity System worth over $197.00 away for $47. This is a one-time only
payment and you will never be billed again.

Now, I’m sure you’re asking yourself...

"How can he give away all this information for that price if
it really is as good as he says it is?"

The truth is, just one personal training session with me would cost you $250/hr, and
yes it would be worth every penny, but since I am limited to only taking on 1 new client
per month I can’t personally work with every person to help them achieve the body they
want in the time they need it. I felt the next best thing was to reach as many people as I
could, at a price I knew everyone could afford for a product I know does exactly what it
says it will.

Now before you think I'm crazy, I want to explain WHY I'm doing this at such a
HUGE discount...

First - This is an *introductory* offer, and it won't last forever - In fact, I'll be
increasing the price without warning ANYTIME.

It could be the next minute, it could be tomorrow - one thing's for sure, I'll be pushing
the price up to at least $87 sooner than you think... ($87 was actually the former
price of my online training program as seen on before now).

Second - It's my way of saying thank you for being dedicated to improving your body
and health.

Third - I get the opportunity to prove to you that I am different. I care about your
success and I am nothing like those other programs - I actually get results!

Fourth - I also know that once you see how powerful the Lose5in7 System is you'll
never want to leave our Lose5in7 community of motivated and dedicated members!

I Want You to be My Next Success Story!

You Can Get Started Today - Click Here Now to Start

Right now, the price is cheap enough that anyone can skip one of their favorite
unhealthy snacks to discover my weight loss secrets in this Lose5in7 System.

So instead of spending 1 dollar a day on expensive trips to fancy coffee shops,
unhealthy lunches, and junk food—things that are gone in an instant- why not use it to
discover these simple, yet powerful body transformation and weight loss secrets that'll
keep the weight off and have you looking and feeling great for years to come?

But that's not all:

I'm Going To be Blunt: If you don't see the value in discovering what the "Lose5in7
Weight Loss System" is all about, then this isn't for you. But if you read this far, then I
know you're one of the "action-takers" I love to teach. So to reward your action, I'm
throwing in the following "Fast-Action" bonuses:

I look forward to working with you and keep those success stories coming!

Start Today!

Order now through our secure server and you can instantly download the printable
PDF format e-book package for just $47 and start reading it today. Instead of waiting
for your book to arrive by mail, you can download this e-book package immediately and
get started on your new body in just minutes from now!

This Offer is Set to Expire

You can choose to read the program on your computer, or print it out to read anytime,
anywhere in the world. Don't wait another minute, because the FREE bonus package
valued at over $197.00 will only be available for a limited time and could very well be
gone tomorrow.

You're Just 1 Minute Away!

In just a few minutes, you'll be able to download and start discovering how current
Lose5in7 (a.k.a. Fatlossity) members are able to achieve what they once thought was
impossible and "only a dream." I can assure this system is completely real and now that
it has been featured on MTV,,, and the #1 "how-to" video on
YouTube out of 1,000,000 videos, its popularity is soaring.

To order the "Lose5in7" downloadable e-book package, and
receive this copyrighted, unique system along with $197.00
worth of FREE bonuses, click the following order link below
to go to our secure payment page.
Please Note: This is a downloadable e-book program. You will NOT receive a
physical package shipped to you in the mail. The entire package will be immediately
available for you to download and get started right away after ordering. This program
is NOT available in stores, so you can only access it through this website.

Clicking the above order button will take you to a secure page for the transaction by
Clickbank, the most popular online payment processor of digital products in the world.
Upon confirmation of your order, you will immediately be redirected to a download
page to download the e-book program as well as the free bonuses. If you have a high
speed internet connection, the downloads usually take just a few minutes.

The e-book download and free bonuses will be in PDF format, or Word documents so
you will need Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open the files. Most
computers already have Adobe Reader installed, but if you don't currently have it, a
free download is available once you're on the download page.
Click Here to Get EVERYTHING Right Now!
(including my RISK-FREE, 100% money back guarantee!)
I've never done this before, but I know you may still be on the fence and I don't want
you to miss out on this opportunity since this is truly going to be the program that
changes your luck and reveals the real you under those inches of body fat.

Only the Next 37 Action-Takers Will Get An Exclusive
Copy! Everyone Else Will Have to Wait Until It Goes on
Sale... But I Don't When That Will Be...

Okay, here it is, and I can't say how long I'm going to include it with this program (It's
selling separately, and I've never exposed my own private dieting secrets before). I'm
offering you the opportunity to get the same diet plans that I use to get completely
lean, toned, defined, and ready for my cover shoots and photo sessions!

There's no way I want to be embarrassed with how I look on the cover of a magazine,
and so I dig deep into my bag of tricks and pull out all the stops… I've laid it all out
for you, step-by-step in my top secret report and I'm going to give it to you FREE if
you sign up today! (limited-time offer that may be taken down without notice)

Revealed for the 1st Time Ever!

Here it is, it's called the 17-Day Bathing Suit Body Diet and when you combine Lose
5 in 7 and the diet plan you will simply shock your coworkers, friends, and family in
less than 3 weeks. One of my online community members actually called this the
"shock & awe" diet plan, but I prefer it's original name… The 17-Day Bathing Suit
Body Diet does what it says. It helps you to lose weight through nutrition alone in 17
days to get the kind of trim, tone, and tight body that turns heads. The bottom line is
it WORKS and since it is my personal dieting journal you know this is unique
information that you simply can't find anywhere else…
17 days of my personal sample meal plans

How I get rid of bloating and excess water

The exact meal timing I use to boost my

How I make sure I don't loose muscle and
definition while dropping body fat

How I taper my and rotate my food
choices for the absolute best results

Exactly what you need to know about
keeping your body healthy and full of
energy while getting super lean

3 Secrets I have never revealed before

So the choice is yours – you can either miss out and watch as your friends use this
system to make their waistlines, thighs, and hips disappear, while they tone and tighten
their entire body or you can join them and write your very own success story.

It's your choice, but I can only provide you with my insider information that changes
lives (our goal is 1 million amazing transformations by 2010). You need to actually
make the choice right now to invest in yourself and purchase your copy of Lose5in7…

You'll be glad you did – I guarantee it.

Last Chance...

If you're looking to lose body fat just Click the Button Below to Join the Other Thrilled
Lose 5 in 7 Members and Finally Put an End to Being Embarrassed About Taking Your
Shirt Off, Getting into a Bathing Suit, Not Being Able to Fit into the Smaller-Sized
Clothes Anymore, or Being the Larger One Out of All Your Friends and Family.

You Can Start the Transformation Today and I Can't Wait to
Show You How Fast and Fun it Really Can Be!

Be a part of the winning weight loss team now!
(just click the button below to get started)
And It's Yours Absolutely FREE (no strings attached),
If You Are One of the Next 37 Serious Individuals
Determined to Change Their Body and Their Life!
PS. I want to repeat that there is ZERO RISK on your part. You don't pay a penny
unless it works... that's the bottom line and I mean it. I can make this outrageous
60-Day Risk-Free Guarantee because Lose 5 in 7 has been proven to work time
and time again. I've been using it for over 10 years with amazing results!

PPS. Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing
over and over and expecting a different result. What you have tried in the past clearly
hasn't worked and certainly won't work in the future. What you need is the permanent
results that come from using Lose 5 in 7. You'll lose 5 pounds in 7 days and the
weight will continue to come off until you say STOP. That's the way the system
works - and It's guaranteed or your money back...

PPS. Don't go and try and reinvent the wheel and follow the latest silly cookie diet or
some crazy system that makes you count points... listen, I have dedicated my life to
making people healthier and confident by giving them the very best system I
developed over the course of 11 years and 11,397 sessions. All of my clients are real
people just like you And just in case you thought this was some type of scam or
hyped up program, I listed my actual weight loss studio I own in Boston, MA above.
Everybody tells me I'm crazy for doing that, but I have nothing to hide and I love
getting success stories and photos of my online client's body transformations sent to
me. Believe me, I'm not one of those Barnes & Noble authors who sells you a book
and then you never hear from them again. You'll be getting weekly free Trim, Tone &
Tighten tips and a whole lot more unbelievable success strategies once you join my
team. It's easy to, just click the link below and in just a minute I'll be welcoming you to
my team and laying out everything you need in a simple and easy to understand
format. Plus, you can alway ask me questions along the way. I will not rest until you
are my next success story! That's my sincere promise to you...
As always - Committed to your success,
Stephen Cabral, CSCS, CPT, NS
Author of Lose 5 in 7, Fatlossity
Health Consultant for MTV, NutritionData,, Gather, Edge

Stephen Cabral Studio
540 Tremont St
Suite 9
Boston, MA 02116
My family after successfully changing their old,
unhealthy lifestyle habits and adopting the Lose
5 in 7 secrets. We lost over 72lbs!
Only 100 65 37 Left!

The 17 Day Bathing Suit Body Diet Plan
($29.95 Value!)
(this is a Stephen Cabral & Lose5in7 limited time offer)
click here to accept the FREE Bonuses

It Just Doesn't Get Any Better than That,
so Let's Get Started Today!

* Click Here! to Create Your Own Lose5in7 Success
Story and Get Started RISK-FREE Today! *
Stephen Cabral, CSCS, CPT, NS
Author of Lose 5 in 7, Fatlossity
Health Consultant for MTV, NutritionData,, Gather, Edge

Lose 5 Pounds, Lose5in7, Lose 5 pounds in 7 days, Lose 5 pounds in a week, lose weight in a week
It's Time to Start Now:
Click Here to Let Me Show You My PROVEN System
- You're Going to Love It! You Have my Personal Guarantee.
Click Here for 60-Day RISK-FREE Trial
"FREE Video Reveals The #1 Secret
To Lose 5 Pounds in 7 Days"

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