Saturday, October 24, 2009

Part 2 . Dieting & The "old" Younger Genaration

Hi People, I am going to be pretty harsh. So if you think you are going to be offended please don't read no more.

But I think people with over weight problems really needs a good harsh reality check, a good old fashion eye opening and to be told to get off there lazy butts.

OK.. Fellows now we can get to your over sized keg your carrying, just above what once was your belt line.

Free tips on a work out schedule for weight loss

1.First of all Put down that six pack, get your butt out of that recliner, turn the Tv Off. now call up your local gym or local fitness center and join it!.

2. Call up one or two of your buddy's to see if they would like to join you ( sometimes a buddy can motivate you more), go get your buddy or buddy's, no do not stop at the bar first oh..that's probably where he or they are at...sorry! my fought...

Well any way just run in and get him, But if your attempted to have a few drinks your self. just call him, tell him to meet you out side, if he is going to go to the gym and work out with you, "everything else besides the one arm he uses to lift his drink.
"No! guys this is not a excuse to get away from your spouse they will smell the beer and not the sweat.

Find something to do active

Go play basketball, football, softball, work out, what ever your sport might be,
Go take a walk everyday until you can jog again, "you got to get more active dude!

we are never to old to regain a healthier body. if you haven't forgot how, if you did, I am sure you can get a couple of books about overweight slobs at your nearest library, if you forgot where that is ask a kid.

Get you a few books on how to regain a six pack by using weights and exercise, instead of the one about forming a keg around the waist line "oh you wrote that.

"you got to get more active dude! No excuses, we are never to old to work on a healthier way of living, "I know your saying to your self well I am tired, I work all day. No dude your tired because you are out of shape.. stop wining.

Start a Diet Program of your own "It's Not just for sissy's".
"slow down on the beer", forget about your pigging out schedule for now on.
it's going to be rabbit food and no not grain in a can... high protein foods, eat smaller portions, in stead of the whole cow. eat more foods like Nut's and fruits, fish, chicken, salads.

First of all you really have to apply your self, retrain your thoughts, motivation,
will power. that's where it's at guys, "Motivate your self by looking into a mirror everyday.

Ask your self is this really what I want to look like? "what happened!
you will THEN start seeing a better you before long if you really want to.
it's not going to happen over night, you did not gain all that weight over night. it take's twice as long to loose weight as it does to gain the weight.

Thanks for reading my blog post. I hope it has inspired
you to acheive that weight you've always wanted.

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